Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Effect of a Permanent Increase in Oil Price on Inflation and Output

Effect of a Permanent Increase in Oil Price on Inflation and Output Introduction This paper presents a detailed discussion on the effects of increase in the prices of oil both in the short run and long run period of time. The risk to growth following a progressive increase in the price of oil will be conclusively discussed both in the short run and long run period. As a response measure to the increase in the price of oil, monetary policy formulated by the Federal Reserve Bank is worth investigating and making inferences.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of a Permanent Increase in Oil Price on Inflation and Output specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The threat to growth following rising price of oil In the early 70s, decrease in the output and rising inflation rates lead to sharp rise in the price of oil. Even In the year 2007, much more rise in the price of oil was associated with fluctuation in the outputs and inflation rates[1]. During the same year, the alterations in the pric e of oil were activated by a change in the supply of the same commodity in the market place. War between the Arab and Israel prompted the formulation of an oil embargo consequently reducing the supply of oil in the market place in 1973. Another factor sourced from the supply side was the consequences of the Iranian revolution in the year 1979[2]. On the other hand emerging economies of china and Japan are the recent cause of the rise in the price of oil. Rapid economic growth and development taking place in these nations creates demand for oil to be used in various sectors of the economy. In recognition of the fact that developing nations are considering trading with up coming economies, expenditures on the products from the United States reduce to a greater extent. Use of AD-AS model This is a model relating the price with the level of production in an economy with reference to employment rates, gross domestic produce policies to stabilize inflation rates, an ultimately macroeconom ic observable fact. The AS-AD model takes into custody the interface between the Aggregate Demand (buyer) and the Aggregate Supply who in this case are the sellers both analyzed in the long and short run period of time[3]. In a macroeconomic context, aggregate demand is specified by a sum total of C+I+ G+ (X-M) in an open economy. Effect of a rise in oil price on inflation and output The graph below shows the effect of a rise in oil price on inflation and output. An inward shift in SRAS following a rise in the price of crude oil imparts on the price level causing a contraction of the AD signified by a movement from Y1 to Y2. Y f c represents full employment of factors of production in the long run. It is now evident that continuous increase in the price of oil reduces output level and raise inflation from P1 to P2. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Effect of the res ponse of Reserve Bank to the oil price increase The reserve bank can manipulate the interest rates to stimulate growth by creating demand in the economy. Low interest rates attract people to borrow from financial institution consequently raising their purchasing power. Recessions are related with the surging prices of oil and the increase in the rates of funds from the Federal Reserve Bank. It is important to focus on some economic effect of the prices of oil and the federal funds rate. An empirical approach tries to analyze the decline in output from an increase in the price of oil. In an investigation by economic researchers, the findings were that an increase in the prices of oil and a subsequent increase in the funds rate by the Federal Reserve Bank would have a cumulative effect of lowering the gross domestic product. In the year 2004, there was a 30% increase in the price of oil from $33 to $ 45 per barrel. The immediate reaction was maintaining the funds rates at a constant v alue which ultimately reduced the growth rate by only 1.2%. If the funds rates had been increased (in the form of tightening the lending rates), then prediction shows that development would have declined by 2.1%. The investigation shows a clear difference in the effect of an increase in the funds rates and when the rate is maintained at a constant value. Federal Reserve Bank is usually responsible for the changes in the interest rates which affect the supply of money in the market. A higher interest rate acts as a disincentive to borrowing money from the bank. The succeeding consequence is little money chasing the same product. On the other hand, a decrease in the interest rates motivates people to borrow more funds from the bank therefore increasing the supply of money in the market[4]. This means that more money chasing the same product. Because of the competition for the same product, it is possible that growth in national income will be registered but at a higher cost of inflati on as indicated in the graphical diagram above. The use of monetary instrument to influence growth in an economy by a decrease or increase in the interest rates is strictly under the control of Federal Reserve Bank. Conclusion This essay is explicit on the effect of high prices of oil on output and inflation rates. Exogenous variables are responsible for the shift in the AD or AS curve in the short run. The long run graphical illustration of a supply curve is a straight vertical curve. This shows that in the long run, the supply curve is not affected by exogenous variable in the industry. To regulate the supply of money in the market, monetary policy is employed by the Federal Reserve Bank. For a progressive increase in the price of oil, the model clearly substantiates the value attached to maintaining the interest rates at a constant rate.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of a Permanent Increase in Oil Price on Inflation and Output specifically for y ou for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Bernanke, S, M Gertler M Watson, Oil Shocks and Aggregate Macroeconomic Behavior: The Role of Monetary Policy: A Reply, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 36, no. 2, 2004, 287-91. Olekalns, N, et al, Principles of Macroeconomics, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, N.S.W, 2008. Footnotes Olekalns, N. et al, Principles of Macroeconomics, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, N.S.W, 2008. Olekalns, N. et al, Principles of Macroeconomics, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill, North Ryde, N.S.W, 2008. Bernanke, S, M Gertler M Watson, Oil Shocks and Aggregate Macroeconomic Beha Policy: A Reply, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 36, no. 2, 2004, 287-91. Bernanke, S, M Gertler M Watson, Oil Shocks and Aggregate Macroeconomic Behavior: The Role of Monetary Policy: A Reply, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 36, no. 2, 2004, 287-91.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cell Biology Glossary

Cell Biology Glossary Many biology students often wonder about the meanings of certain biology terms and words. What is a nucleus? What are sister chromatids? What is the cytoskeleton and what does it do? The Cell Biology Glossary is a good resource for finding succinct, practical, and meaningful biology definitions for various cell biology terms. Below is a list of common cell biology terms. Cell Biology Glossary Anaphase - a stage in mitosis where chromosomes begin moving to opposite ends (poles) of the cell. Animal Cells - eukaryotic cells that contain various membrane-bound organelles. Allele - an alternative form of a gene (one member of a pair) that is located at a specific position on a specific chromosome. Apoptosis - a controlled sequence of steps in which cells signal self-termination. Asters - radial microtubule arrays found in animal cells that help to manipulate chromosomes during cell division. Biology - the study of living organisms. Cell - the fundamental unit of life. Cellular Respiration - a process by which cells harvest the energy stored in food. Cell Biology - the subdiscipline of biology that focuses on the study of the basic unit of life, the cell. Cell Cycle - the life cycle of a dividing cell, including Interphase and the M phase or Mitotic phase (mitosis and cytokinesis). Cell Membrane - a thin semi-permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm of a cell. Cell Theory - one of the five basic principles of biology, stating that the cell is the basic unit of life. Centrioles - cylindrical structures that are composed of groupings of microtubules arranged in a 9 3 pattern. Centromere - a region on a chromosome that joins two sister chromatids. Chromatid - one of two identical copies of a replicated chromosome. Chromatin - the mass of genetic material composed of DNA and proteins that condense to form chromosomes during eukaryotic cell division. Chromosome - a long, stringy aggregate of genes that carries heredity information (DNA) and is formed from condensed chromatin. Cilia and Flagella - protrusions from some cells that aid in cellular locomotion. Cytokinesis - the division of the cytoplasm that produces distinct daughter cells. Cytoplasm - all of the contents outside of the nucleus and enclosed within the cell membrane of a cell. Cytoskeleton - a network of fibers throughout the cells cytoplasm that helps the cell maintain its shape and gives support to the cell. Cytosol - semi-fluid component of a cells cytoplasm. Daughter Cell - a cell resulting from the replication and division of a single parent cell. Daughter Chromosome - a chromosome that results from the separation of sister chromatids during cell division. Diploid Cell - a cell that contains two sets of chromosomes- one set of chromosomes is donated from each parent. Endoplasmic Reticulum - a network of tubules and flattened sacs that serve a variety of functions in the cell. Gametes - reproductive cells that unite during sexual reproduction to form a new cell called a zygote. Gene Theory - one of the five basic principles of biology, stating that traits are inherited through gene transmission. Genes - segments of DNA located on chromosomes that exist in alternative forms called alleles. Golgi Complex - the cell organelle that is responsible for manufacturing, warehousing, and shipping certain cellular products. Haploid Cell - a cell that contains one complete set of chromosomes. Interphase - the stage in the cell cycle where a cell doubles in size and synthesizes DNA in preparation for cell division. Lysosomes - the membranous sacs of enzymes that can digest cellular macromolecules. Meiosis - a two-part cell division process in organisms that sexually reproduce, resulting in gametes with one-half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. Metaphase - the stage in cell division where chromosomes align along the metaphase plate in the center of the cell. Microtubules - fibrous, hollow rods that function primarily to help support and shape the cell. Mitochondria - cell organelles that convert energy into forms that are usable by the cell. Mitosis - a phase of the cell cycle that involves the separation of nuclear chromosomes followed by cytokinesis. Nucleus - a membrane-bound structure that contains the cells hereditary information and controls the cells growth and reproduction. Organelles - tiny cellular structures, that carry out specific functions necessary for normal cellular operation. Peroxisomes - cell structures that contain enzymes that produce hydrogen peroxide as a by-product. Plant Cells - eukaryotic cells that contain various membrane-bound organelles. They are distinct from animal cells, containing various structures not found in animal cells. Polar Fibers - spindle fibers that extend from the two poles of a dividing cell. Prokaryotes - single-celled organisms that are the earliest and most primitive forms of life on earth. Prophase - the stage in cell division where chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes. Ribosomes - cell organelles that are responsible for assembling proteins. Sister Chromatids - two identical copies of a single chromosome that are connected by a centromere. Spindle Fibers - aggregates of microtubules that move chromosomes during cell division. Telophase - the stage in cell division when the nucleus of one cell is divided equally into two nuclei.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Paper on engineering failure with guidelines Essay

Paper on engineering failure with guidelines - Essay Example One of the most epic sea engineering failures was seen in the 1912 during the Titanic accident that saw many lives and property perish in helpless circumstances. In 1912, the world ever largest ship sunk deep into the ocean leading to over 1500 deaths due to poor safety designs by the engineers during its construction (Lisbon 36). The impact with the iceberg in the middle of the ocean. The expert expressed their concern that the engineer’s key failure was allowing aesthetic value to take the center of the construction while disregarding safety designs. Research has found that the engineers were the primary cause of the inability to have adequate security infrastructure. In fact, the initial design had included two rows of lifeboats under the deck; however, the designers removed one row in order to create ample space for passengers views. The nature of the error was largely technological and reverse priority. During the accident, the iceberg buckled the popped plates leading to gushing of water into the transverse bulkheads that were reduced to allow for spacious first-class rooms (Lisbon 67). Probably the ship would have withstood the iceberg had the original design been executed. The fundamental principle of the security had been catered for in the original design. Following a disaster, there were changes in policy to increase the heights of the double hulls transverse bulkheads that will reach the sides of ships in the future. The engineers most important lesson was the importance of enhancing security measures in ship designs as number one priority (Lisbon 125). Macdonald & Jones (2006) article on Sustainable Drainage System (SUDs) presents a case study at Glasgow introduces an engineering design of drainage systems in cities and urban centers. The authors use Glasgow as one of the cities in the world with a classical SUDs

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Explain the concept of time, value of money, and give some examples Research Paper

Explain the concept of time, value of money, and give some examples. Explain difference in ways to calculate FTEs and explain - Research Paper Example For instance, you can invest your dollar for one year at a 6% annual interest rate and accumulate $1.06 at the end of the year.   You can say that the  future value  of the dollar is $1.06 given a 6%  interest rate  and a one-year  period. It follows that the  present value  of the $1.06 you expect to receive in one year is only $1. A key concept of TVM is that a single sum of money or a series of equal, evenly-spaced payments or receipts guaranteed in the future can be converted to an equivalent value today.   Conversely, you can determine the value to which a single sum or a series of future payments will grow to at some future date. You can calculate the fifth value if you are given any four of: Interest Rate, Number of Periods, Payments, Present Value, and Future Value.   FTEs FTEs are basically the full time equivalents and help in analyzing the work done in hours according to the number of laborers employed. Efficiency indicators for benchmarking frequently require a benchmarking health unit to provide the number of FTEs involved in a particular activity. This is not a problem where programs are specialized, i.e. where full and part time staff is assigned to specific activities.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Biomes and Diversity Essay Example for Free

Biomes and Diversity Essay Extinction is a natural selection process. Should humans strive to preserve a representative sample of all biomes or aquatic zones? Why should humans be concerned with the extinction rate? In my own opinion No but as u read more about it some things need to be preserved. For instance animals help the crops of the foods that we eat. Snakes help to cure different diseases. Humans help the plants and animals to grow. The fact that human beings are a species means that they depend on many other species that exist in the world. If an animal becomes extinct, this can have a knock on effect to other species, and humans would inevitably be affected by the species becoming extinct. Humans also have a built in instinct to survive, as do other species of animals. It is not surprising, therefore, that humans feel the need to try and extend the life span of some species, as they would probably feel that if it came to it, that something would try and prolong the existence of humans. Humans should be concerned with the extinction rate, because the human population is growing and we need all the air, land, and animals to survive. There are humans that don’t quite understand that we have to preserve our land because we will be extinct sooner than later due to our big population.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Soldier’s Embrace by Nadine Gordimer :: Nadine Gordimer A Soldier’s Embrace

A Soldier’s Embrace by Nadine Gordimer Nadine Gordimer is a white author who lives in the country of South Africa. She is known for her excellent characters and the vivid details of her books. Her stories are written in the context of her South African experiences. She also writes about the previous challenges of South Africa under apartheid, at a time when society was split by race.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  South Africa’s racial problems began when the white people came and discovered South Africa with its black population. The white people wanted power because there were many fewer whites than blacks. The only way to achieve that was to change the government around so that only white people had political power. The three terms that were used to describe racial groups under the system of apartheid were European, Native and Coloured.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gordimer explains the many aspects of this problem in South Africa with her stories in A Soldier’s Embrace. In her last short story, simply titled, â€Å"Oral History†, she writes about the Europeans finding out that there were Native rebels in a village. The chief of the town wanted to get rid of them, so he asked the white army to do it. The white army bombed the village and killed everyone who was in it, too. When the chief came back and found out what had happened, he hanged himself from a tree.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gordimer’s message in this story is that the people who split themselves by race (or by anything else for that matter) will eventually destroy everything for different reasons. One cannot label someone by their race because it can be hard to draw the line in some situations. It is also impossible to make laws about love. In one of Gordimer’s short stories, â€Å"Town and County Lovers†, she wrote about a white man and a black woman in love and the consequences of that relationship for them. European South Africans were selfish, and made the people of other cultures separate from them. The Europeans were also the ones who made the Coloureds and Natives do menial work.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Migration of Nurses

Nicola Yeates (2004) asserts that the validity of global care chain analysis while suggesting that its contemporary application to migrant domestic care workers such as nurses must be enlarged in order to fully realize the potential of the analysis. In essence, the author suggests that â€Å"the migration of nurses such as those in Irish territories during the 19th and 20th centuries illustrates the need to revise the global care chain analysis† commonly used in order to â€Å"protect the welfare of nurses migrating from across the globe† (p. 80). In her article, Yeates believes that the migration trends of nurses during the 19th and 20th centuries in the Irish context is representative of the condition of nurses coming from different parts of the world. The migration trend, she believes, is the direct result of the â€Å"changes in the life expectancies and the population sizes† of various countries, most notably in the United Kingdom and the United States of America (p. 85). Another trend is that those countries have also experienced an inadequate workforce of nurses that will cater to the needs of ageing patients in hospitals and hospices. Due to these changes in the healthcare needs of people in different countries and the high wages and other incentives offered to nurses migrating and working in those countries, Yeates believes that the current global care chain analysis that upholds the concept of personal links of people across the globe in terms of paid or unpaid work of caring needs certain revisions in order to further include the current situations dealt with by migrating nurses. I believe that Yeates’ argument is compelling for the reason that the migration trends among nurses have become a fact of life. Contemporary nurses coming from poor countries or from countries where nursing jobs are inadequate tend to migrate to countries that offer an attractive compensation package and actually have job vacancies whether in hospitals or other healthcare institutions. The previous analysis of the trends in nurse migration as well as the migration of other care providers such as the earlier version of the global care chain analysis does indeed require certain revisions. One revision that Yeates offers is the idea that the current situations faced by migrant nurses should be included in the analysis. I agree with the proposition of Yeates, and for good reasons. For one, migrant nurses coming from poor countries leave their families behind under the custody of their relatives or other people who are either paid or unpaid for their â€Å"care† work. The same is true for migrant nurses who—while coming from better-off families in first-world countries—go to other countries in order to work. It is important that the case of migrant nurses be given sufficient attention by carefully researching into the current trends in nurse migration. The body of research that can be derived from the in-depth study of the trends and conditions faced by migrant nurses can help promote their welfare in the long run. As far as the proposal of Yeates is concerned, it is also important to widen the coverage of the current global care chain analysis through scholarly analysis so that the contemporary needs of migrant nurses can be identified. The identification of the contemporary needs of migrant nurses can help in better understanding the situations faced by these nurses and addressing actual problems that are yet to be known. Since the current global care chain analysis does not explicitly involve modern migrant nurses, it is therefore highly relevant that the case of migrant nurses be included. Moreover, the identification of the needs of migrant nurses derived from the body of research can serve as a guide for legislators in different countries to create the necessary policies that can help uplift the welfare of these nurses. The proposal of Yeates to expand the coverage of the global care chain analysis can provide the substantial scholarly background needed to identify and to establish certain regulations in countries that seek nurses from other countries. In doing so, the difficulties experienced by migrant nurses coming from Irish territories during the 19th and 20th centuries as mentioned in the research of Yeates as well as contemporary nurses from other nations can be alleviated or avoided. The most significant contribution of the proposal of Yeates once it is put into practice is that it can help prevent negative consequences on the part of migrant nurses. For instance, it can help prevent unsatisfactory working conditions as well as insufficient wages which can adversely affect not only the nurses but also the families that they have left behind in their home countries. Abuses in the form of being overworked and underpaid can also be prevented once government policies are put in place. To a large extent, the arguments of Yeates in her article is an insightful study into the conditions of contemporary migrant workers analyzed in comparison with the conditions faced by Irish nurses migrating to other countries at an earlier time. It provides the general image of modern nurses working abroad—the image of a migrant worker who sought greener pastures in a foreign land despite the fact that they have to leave their families, especially their children, under the custody of their relatives or other people. It is only important that the conditions of these nurses should be carefully looked into at least from a theoretical and contemporary perspective because it helps the larger public understand the situations faced by migrant nurses and the difficulties that they have to endure.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Functions of Management Essay

United Health group is a major insurance company that provides medical and mental health coverage to its consumers. The organization manages Medicaid and Medicare accounts as well as commercial accounts from employers. Providing healthcare insurance is a competitive job, therefore, the management of the organization has to use the four functions of management to remain in the competition. The four function of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. In this paper, we will discuss the four functions of management and how it relates to the organization. The four functions of management is planning, organizing, leading and, controlling. Planning is for the goals of the organization, planning sets the stage for action and major achievements. Organizing is assembling and coordinating human, financial resources needed to achieve the goals. This could be organizing activities such as grouping jobs into work units, marshaling and allocating resources and creating conditions so that people and things work together to achieve maximum success. Leading is stimulating people to be high performers. Leading can take place in departments, teams as well as divisions. By encouraging high performers, you are increasing their inner moral, making them feel and believe they can complete their goals rather it is individual goals that coincide with the organization’s goals. Another management function is controlling, managers make sure the organization’s resources are being used as planned and that the organization is meeting its goals for quality and safety. The four functions of management have in common is to achieve the goals for the organization. The four functions all work together. There are three different levels in management; top level managers, middle level managers and, front line managers. Top level managers are typically the CEO, COO or CIO. Middle level managers are under the top level managers and, frontline managers are considered operational managers. The top level manager determines and identifies the goals that are needed for the entire organization. Once the CEO has identified the goals and what steps that are  needed to achieve the goal, the information is conveyed to middle management. Middle management takes those goals and determines what’s needed to achieve the goals such as organizing workloads, teams or units. Then convey to frontline managers. Front line management does most of the leading, their more hands on with employees or teams. Front line managers assist with establishing individual goals that will benefit the company and coincide with the company’s goals. Front line managers also use controlling by making sure the e mployees utilize company resources if needed. Also by making sure the company goals are being met. The organization uses all four of the management functions. There have been many cases of increased health issues within call center environments such as; obesity, high blood pressure, depression and anxiety issues. The organization created incentives to make the idea more appealing to the employees. The organization has decided to inspire and motivate their employees to take better care of their health. By creating the goals of decreasing the health issues within the office setting the organization set their stage for action so they could achieve these goals. Now that the goal has been established the organization needs to assemble humans, physical information to coordinate ways to achieve the goals. The organization started providing bonus incentives such has decrease in insurance if you’re passed a bio metric screening. The organization also begin to partner with Weight Watchers providing employee discounts, LA Fitness (discounted membership), provide stress management classes along, with providing ways to exercise in the office. There are different teams within the company with a goal of losing the most weight. The teams encourage one another and provide support during their weight loss journey. All teams support and encourage with the expectations of dropping the weight and defeating the other team. The teams have weekly check-ins where the members have to weigh in, report their meal plans. By utilizing the four functions of management, the organization has been able to lower their premiums for their employees, and increase better health within the organization. The organization identified the issue of health  concerns within the office setting, set the goals of prevention and reduction. With those plans of prevention and reduction the organization was able to organize employees and coordinate ways to achieve the goals. The staff coordinated and provided information to their employees to educate and prevent. The leaders promoted the resources and encouraged those to be active and participate in all the resources the organization has to offer. Reference Page: Bateman Thomas S., Snell Scott A. 8th edition, 2009 McGraw-Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Sedentary jobs helping to drive obesity epidemic. (2011). Retrieved from http:// health.usnews.com/health-news/diet-fitness/fitness/articles/2011/05/26/sedentary-jobs-helping-to-drive-obesity-epidemic.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Difference Between Customer Care And Customer Service Tourism Essays

Difference Between Customer Care And Customer Service Tourism Essays Difference Between Customer Care And Customer Service Tourism Essay Difference Between Customer Care And Customer Service Tourism Essay Its said that no issue how many different types of clients are about but it is ever believed that the attacks to them should ever be the same. I.e. a high quality service or merchandise delivered in a unfastened, professional manner at a reasonable and suited rate, client attention means guaranting for transport your positive service professionally and successfully. It has to be related to run intoing your deadlines and do certain that it was non confused for besides of you i.e. client and staff. It means non doing any complains but working with a helpful mode, as it can be seen that you are basking your work likely. It is said that a happy invitee is a 1 who ever gives good response and seek to maintain the nexus for a longer continuance. Source- ( Knight, A. ( 1999 ) .Effective Customer Care, The directory of societal alteration. ) Customer service is non a division everyplace within your company. Quite, it s a company imposts in which every individual at every place is client oriented. ( Bailey, K. et Al ( 2006 ) , client service for silent persons, Wiley Publishing, Iraqi National Congress. ) Customer service is the system in which an organisation handles the dealingss along with themselves and its clients. The dealingss which takes topographic point largely depends and varies, as it could last more than some old ages or merely for few months or yearss. but, every trade between the employee and the client demand to be give right attending and proper handling. The chief duty of the client service director should be that the staff tries all the clip to set their attempt to do happy and complete the demands and outlook of the client. Source ( Dredge, F et Al. ( 1998 ) Pull offing client service, Gower Publishing limited. ) THE NEED FOR THE CUSTOMER CARE POLICIES AND PLANS ARE AS FOLLOWS- It is indispensable to spread out a helpful client friendly civilization in cordial reception industry, and besides it must be divided within all the employees of the organisation. It is said that the more people who know about the policy the more possible expert you have. If the organisation gives first-class service to the client so the other organisation will be able to accomplish client trust. If an organisation wants a repetition concern from its clients so it has to have the client inducements at first. Besides it is mandatory to cognize about the client on whom the organisation is taking at, besides the wants and demands of the client should be understood right, and eventually believing that client fulfillment is indispensable. The policies and programs play a really of import function in constructing up the organisations public presentation. By followin the policies the work state of affairs of the organisation will be soft and successful, this system the employees will cognize their work and harmonizing to that they will demo their public presentation in the organisation. Plans help the organisation to look in the hereafter, and seek to accomplish the set ends, the mark which the organisation has set to accomplish. Source- ( Knight, A. ( 1999 ) .Effective client attention, The directory of societal alteration. ) Ans 2- The importance of client form which are encountered with in the cordial reception industry are- It is necessary to place the clients on which the organisation is taking at, by which the organisation can put it ends, marks and run into the demands and outlook of the invitee. Particularly in cordial reception industry there are two chief types of client form such as concern clients or corporate and tourer, which are chiefly emphasised by the cordial reception industry. The length of concern clients are short and their disbursement wont is besides really less as because the concern clients come through any company, which has a tie up with the hotel organisation. For case the British telecom has a tie up with Marriott s, so there will be a particular rate fixed for the employees of British telecom. In that instance the client comes and remain in the hotel, uses largely the complimentary points and so eventually look into s out. The necessities of concern patronages may be letter papers in the room, a Wi-Fi connexion, require a aftermath up calls in the forenoon, a conference room for meeting, air ticket from travel desk, a good and luxury auto with chauffer. Source- ( Schmitt Bernd, H. ( 1976 ) . Customer Experience Management, John Wiley A ; boies. ) It is non ever compulsory that the concern clients have less passing power, because when a main executive officer or head runing officer of any company arrives in the hotel organisation, he would possibly look for the most expensive things, such as alcoholic drink, a personal pantryman for 24/7. The tourer come to bask and divert themselves in the hotel, besides their length of stay is for a longer continuance. There passing power is better because they come to pass. For case booking a suite room, passing on intoxicant in the bars, discotheque, shopping in the shopping arcade etc. In Mc Donald s the staff knows who are the sort of clients which can be attracted towards the organisation, such as portion clip female parents and kids i.e. adolescents, by keeping a friendly ambiance in the eating house, coming up with new bill of fares to acquire clients with new gustatory sensation, besides by administering balloons and playthings to the childs. The clients pattern is wholly different as what it was in the hotels, as the hotel marks different sorts of client and the megahertz Donald s marks other sort of clients. Both of the organisation has different form but one slogan i.e. supplying better service to the client by carry throughing its demand and desire and do them experience comfy all the clip. Source- ( Knight, A. ( 1999 ) .Effective Customer Care, The directory of societal alteration. ) Ans 3- The importance of client attention civilization and how it applies in Mc Donald s Think customer- The organisation must seek to construct the exhilaration and energy amongst the staff about the construct of clients. Every member of staff should be responsible for client communicating. Every sections and the squads should research their ain impressions of what a client is and what this means to them. Value for the customers- Convince every person to believe as how much worth client is for the organisation, non in footings of finance but in footings of what they bring to the organisation. Remember that everyone is a customer- The secret of client attention is to handle every client with great regard, and purpose to present the highest criterion of attention and service that you can. Train your squad in client service- Share the policies and programs of client attention with the staff of the organisation, and so inquire them to set some thoughts and suggestions into it. Try non to let the employees, as they start giving them excess good service that represents value for money. Set targets- If the organisation has a scheme so it must hold marks so that it can supervise advancement. Make these realistic and accomplishable but disputing plenty to actuate enough the forepart line squad. Have client forums- So that the backroom squad, who may non cover direct with clients on a day-to-day footing, acquire to see who the organisation is working with, why they are of import, and they mean to the success of your charity. Source- ( Knight, A. ( 1999 ) .Effective Customer Care, The directory of societal alteration. ) The client attention civilization of Mc Donald s has improved quickly as a proper preparation programme had conducted for the new employees. In 2004 the organisation wanted to re set up this competitory advantage. The Mc Donald s service civilization was based on velocity and convenience. The demand, while retaining those elements, was to heighten the bing cordial reception civilization to transcend client outlooks. Besides the company had undergone a trade name relaunch with the subject I m lovin it and wanted the client experience to reflect this subject . ( David Pollitt, human resource direction international digest editor, wrote this article, from instance survey. ) The rating of client attention program- After traveling frontward it was believed that the criterion of client attention needed to travel to a higher degree of consistence. As there were few countries that peculiarly needed to be improve were: Aid for specific groups, such as female parent with immature kids, staff being comfy and confident handling and deciding client issues, a friendly eating house ambiance with personal, non everyday, interaction, and staff able to reply questions about Mc Donald s bill of fare ingredients. As antecedently the preparation of client attention were delivered to the directors but it was non forwarded to the front line staff, but now to derive the best impact the preparation is straight delivered to client attention staff. The profile of the group in Mc Donald s was, and remains, varied. Customer attention helpers range from female parents working portion clip to college pupils, and besides many people in their first occupation. The design squad included- a procedure suitable for bing and future client attention staff, developing an on-going component to the acquisition, non a one-off hole, and advancing existent cultural alteration. Then the client attention class was designed to capture the best portion of the first stage workshops, and those class include- Facilitated group treatment depicting good and bad illustration of client attention, sharing best pattern, function playing in little groups on ailment handling and recovery. Source- ( Case survey ) Ans 4- The KPI s and benchmark that could be implemented as a consequence of rating are discussed below- The quality and consistence of merchandise and service have underpinned the success of the McDonald s eating house concatenation since its origin. To accomplish this consistence, the company sets many Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs ) , both quantitative and qualitative, to which its eating houses aim to follow. McDonald s is known as the taking supplier of speedy service nutrient globally. In the UK, the company has 1,250 eating houses around 500 of which are franchised operations. Competition is severe in this market, re-emphasizing the importance of consistent quality and the ability to run into KPIs that range from merchandise output and gross revenues to cleanliness, restaurant quality and eating house enterprises within the local community. Traditional manual bite of eating house information was resource intensive and the terminal of twenty-four hours s trading figures would typically non be received until noon the undermentioned twenty-four hours. This meant there was a hold in responding to job countries. Steve Tiley, Head of Management Information Systems at McDonald s UK, says, Restaurant directors were passing excessively much clip measuring public presentation information, particularly at month terminal, and non plenty on the store floor with clients and staff. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.uk.businessobjects.com/customers/spotlight/mcdonalds/default.asp ) 09/01/09 The EFSIS partnership with fast nutrient eating house, McDonalds, has continued to boom following the accomplishment of Benchmark Excellence in the company s latest Supplier public presentation measuring survey, The Supplier Quality Index ( SQI ) . The SQI steps public presentation from both a long term and short term position and covers a provider s direction excellence, communications, strategic concern alliance, assured supply, quality, invention and cost. The partnership between McDonald s and EFSIS began three old ages ago and has gone from strength to strength with new classs being added to the portfolio. Currently EFSIS undertakes over 450 reviews across beef, porc and poulet cake providers and slaughter and deboning workss all across the universe. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //www.entrepreneur.com/tradejournals/article/106942250.html ) 09/01/09 Ans 5- The different communicating method and their feedback are discussed below- Questionnaire- A questionnaire is a set of inquiry, in which different types of inquiries are mentioned, this is fundamentally prepared to take a proper feedback from the clients about the organisation or sometimes the set of inquiries are based upon the clients history. This is by and large prepared to take complete information about peculiar organisation or the clients. It is a long and clip taking procedure of feedback. Guest history records- The guest history record is a sort of book which is maintained by different organisation to do a note about the regular invitee or a crabbed invitee. It is really maintained to assist the organisation to cognize more about the invitee as when the times comes such as birthday or matrimony day of remembrance, so the members of the organisation can wish them, and do the client feel happy and delicious. Interviews The interview is considered to be one of the good manner to acquire the feedback, as it is a formal talk between the client and the employee of the organisation, in which the staff or the director raise the inquiry to the client and the client is the entitled to give the replies of the peculiar inquiry asked. Mystery guest- The enigma invitee are those invitees who arrives in the organisation in secret, without allowing the organisation to cognize approximately them as who are they, and why they have come for. They merely enter in the premises and clear whatever uncertainties they have in their head, if they found something leery or non up to the grade so they send notice to the organisation for the incommodiousness, or for the improper service. Remark cards- Remark cards are prepared by the organisation to precisely allow to cognize the feedback of the clients, in most of the eating houses a remark card is given to the client to make full up, as how they felt and if there are negative feedback so the organisation start implementing on those countries. Competitions- In today s epoch each and every organisation is confronting the fright of competitions, because there are no longer the monopoly system, in every field the organisation has to confront competition and the determination taken by the organisation should be harmonizing to the forum, if that peculiar organisation wants to prolong in the bing market. Beginning ( David, R ( 2007 ) . Communication methods and steps .28th July 2007:19-23. ) Ans 6- The advantage and disadvantage are discussed below- Questionnaire The advantage of questionnaire is that, if it is filled decently so it takes out most of the information about the invitee or the organisation. It helps the organisation to track the record easy of any invitee, if it is maintained decently. The disadvantage of questionnaire is that it s a clip taking procedure, and guest attempt to avoid make fulling it. Many a times it is left in completed, and the chief information to be filled in is left out. Guest history record- The advantage of guest history record is that it has a hint of every invitee coming in the organisation. And if the organisation knows about the past history of the guest so it can clearly do it out which sort of invitee he/she is. The disadvantage is that the guest history record needs to be updated every clip, as when a regular invitee alterations his phone figure, or a new invitee comes in. It is sometimes hard to happen the records as it is maintained in a book and so the job comes to happen the book as where it is kept. Interviews- The advantage of interviews are that the client and the staff of the organisation comes into direct conversation and whatever information is needed that can be taken out easy by the client. Besides the client will experience better as they are interviewed and whatever things the client does nt desire in the organisation, that can be implemented. The disadvantage of the interview is that it can be for longer clip, besides many a times the client are non in a temper to give replies to the inquiries asked to them. Mystery guest- The advantage of enigma invitee is that there is a small fright in the head of employees that it can be a enigma invitee so in that instance they try to give their degree best most of the times at work in the organisation, and besides they try to carry through the client need even if they are non willing to make that. For case, a invitee arrives in a hotel and sits in a anteroom for long hours and inquire the employee to acquire a glass of H2O for him. The disadvantage of a enigma invitee can be really unsafe to the organisation, as it can be a member of HRACC, who fundamentally approves the star evaluation of any hotel, if he/she find something incorrect so the organisation can endure a immense effect. Remark card- The advantage of remark card is that it s non really drawn-out in most of the organisations, and it s is filled by different invitee so in that instance a proper feedback can be measured. The disadvantage of remark card is that sometimes it may incorporate false information, and if the remark card contains any complain about the employee, his evaluation will vastly fall down. Competitions- The advantage of competitions are that new merchandise and services are seen in the market, good merchandises in low monetary value. The disadvantage of competition is most of the organisation in order to vie with the other organisation ignore the quality of the merchandise and emphasise on the measure. Beginning ( Dean E. Hewes, ( 1995 ) . The cognitive bases of interpersonal communicating .17th March 1995:6-13. ) Ans-7 Staff authorization is the procedure of enabling or authorising an person to believe, act, take action, and control work and determination devising in independent ways. It is the province of experiencing self-empowered to take control of one s ain fate . ( hypertext transfer protocol: //humanresources.about.com/od/glossarye/a/empowerment_def.htm ) 09/01/09 We must take out from our head that if the employee studies to the employer, as he is low-level to him that does non intend as the employee ca nt do any determination. The superior authorization must besides give the opportunity to believe and authorise in the organisations determinations. As now it is seen that in most of the organisation immature endowments are preferred ab initio, as they can come up with new thoughts, facts, and figures which can be really helpful for the organisation to turn. If we think about authorization in human dealingss footings, attempt to avoid thought of it as something that one person does for another. This is one of the jobs organisations have experienced with the construct of authorization. Peoples think that person, normally the director, has to allow authorization on the people who report to him. Organizations has the duty to make a work environment which helps advance the ability and desire of employees to move in sceptered ways. The work organisation has the duty to take barriers that limit the ability of staff to move in authorization. All it can convey is merely the benefit to the organisation because if seen loosely the staff are confronting more new challenges so the directors, the directors are at that place merely to advice non to assist the employee with their work. Then the employee can take right determination at the right clip, if we talk about nutrient and drink section of any hotel, the work burden lies on the shoulder of employees, as they are extremely responsible from set uping the apparatus till the clip of clearance. It is benefitted in different ways, by which the organisation can take to a higher place. Source- ( Martin, D. ( 1998 ) one halt client attention, ICSA publication limited. )

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

APA Referencing †Citing a Movie or TV Show (Proofread My Paper)

APA Referencing – Citing a Movie or TV Show APA Referencing – Citing a Movie or TV Show The vast majority of citations in academic writing are for books, journals and other written sources. Sometimes, however, you might need to cite a movie or TV show. E.g., If you want to squeeze Steve Buscemis strange, beautiful face into your thesis somehow.(Photo: David Shankbone/wikimedia) Are there special rules for this, you may be wondering? You bet there are, sonny! Herein, for instance, we take a look at how to cite a motion picture or TV show with APA referencing. Citing a Motion Picture You might think this is only relevant if you’re studying film and media, but it can also be crucial in many subject areas (e.g., if you want to quote something from a documentary). The in-text citation format to use here is similar to that used for print sources, except that you name the producer and director instead of the author, along with the year of release: Renà © Griffiths eventually found success in South America (Ramasut Goch, 2010). This is accompanied by full detail of the source in the reference list, using the following format: Last Name, Initial(s). (Producer), Last Name, Initial(s). (Director). (Year). Title [Motion picture]. Country of origin: Studio or distributor. In the case of the documentary cited above, this would appear as: Ramasut, C. (Producer), Goch, D. (Director). (2010). Separado! [Motion picture]. United Kingdom: Soda Pictures. Citing a TV Show The format for citing a TV show depends on whether it’s a one-off broadcast, a single episode of a series or a complete series. For each, however, in-text citations require you to name an authority (e.g. a director, writer or producer) and a year of broadcast: The game itself was preceded by a six-hour pre-game show (Esocoff, 2015). For a one-off broadcast, include the following in the reference list: Last Name, Initial(s). (Title of Authority). (Year, Month Day). Title of show [Television broadcast]. Location of broadcasting company: Broadcasting Company. The show cited above would therefore appear as: Esocoff, D. (Director). (2015, February 1). Super Bowl XLIX [Television broadcast]. Stamford: NBC Sports. The highlight of Super Bowl XLIX was when everyone fell over, creating a big heap of sweaty sport men. If you’re citing a series as a whole, the format changes slightly: Last Name, Initial(s). (Title of Authority). (Year of First Series). Title of series [Television series]. Location of broadcasting company: Broadcasting Company. When citing a particular episode, the details are included before the series information: Last Name, Initial(s). (Writer), Last Name, Initial(s). (Director). (Year). Title of episode [Television series episode]. In Name of Producer (Producer), Title of series. Location of broadcasting company: Broadcasting Company. As such, an episode of the show Last Week Tonight would appear in the reference list as: Avery, K. (Writer), Perota, J. (Director). (2014). Military translators [Television series episode]. In J. Oliver (Executive Producer), Last week tonight. New York: HBO. Time Stamps If youre referencing a particular section of a movie or TV show, you’ll need to include a timestamp in the citation, just as you’d give page numbers when quoting a print source. This involves indicating the time at which the relevant section begins: Rhys ends his search at the final residence of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Ramasut Goch, 2010, 1:17:20). The citation above, for instance, shows that the section in question starts at one hour, seventeen minutes and twenty seconds into the video, making it easier to find the information referenced. Separado! is presented by a Welsh rock star who teleports using a magical Power Rangers helmet. Its awesome. (Image: Soda Pictures)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Motivating Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motivating Employees - Essay Example Managers must be honest with them so that they will feel motivated (p. 18). There are different ways to motivate employees. According to drive-reduction theory of motivation, humans have bodily needs like need for food and water that create a state of tension which is called a drive. Employers can motivate their employees by reducing their unpleasant feelings (Morris and Maisto, 2005, p. 331). Managers mostly find it effective to succeed in their managing functions by providing basic needs of employees. From various theories of motivations, it can be understood that motivation is like a force that activates behavior towards the goal to be achieved or provides stimuli to perform an action. When employees are motivated, it will create healthy relation between managers and employees that help them make fuller use of resources available in the business activities. Psychologists identified two basic principles of motivations, namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. When employees are motivated by an activity it self, it can be said to be intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation derives from the consequences of an action (Morris and Maisto, 2005, p. 332). An employer has many options to motivate his workers like praising them, co-operating with them, asking for their opinions and feedback, providing better facilities, rewarding and promoting them with newer tasks within their workplace. Managers need to be aware that intrinsic motivation helps employees satisfy with workplace environments and same time extrinsic motivation helps employees to find greater values in their actions. The Need Hierarchy theory of Abraham Maslow (1954) is perhaps one of the most well known motivation theories. His theory describes that the effective tool for motivating others is to know what factors motivate them. Abraham Maslow arranged human needs in a hierarchy in which human motives are